Environmental Grants

To encourage citizens to take action for the environment, the City of Vaudreuil-Dorion has established several grant programs related to waste reduction, air quality improvement, drinking water conservation and the planting of trees and plants.

How to apply for a grant

There are several ways to apply for a grant: 

  • By email
  • Online
  • By mail (Engineering and Environment Department at 2000, rue Émile-Bouchard, Vaudreuil-Dorion,
    Québec  J7V 1A5)
  • In person (at City Hall)

Send the completed grant application form and all required documents for each grant. 

For more information, contact the Environment Division by e-mail at enviro-subventions@ville.vaudreuil-dorion.qc.ca or at 450-455-3371.

General Conditions

Grants are for residents, not companies. They're in effect throughout the year, subject to availability of funds. The reference year runs from January 1 to December 31. Each household may apply once a year for each grant. Applications are processed for the year in which they are submitted and require a minimum refund of $15 to be eligible. The rebate amount is calculated before taxes.

Please note that the Environment Division will only contact you if your application is incomplete. If your application is complete, you will receive a cheque in the mail within eight to ten weeks of your application.

Cloth diapers

Toilet training of a child requires 5,000 to 7,000 disposable diapers—that means 4.5 trees and 22 kg of plastic obtained from 67 kg of crude oil. It also means over a ton of waste that will take more than 500 years to decompose.

To address this problem, the City of Vaudreuil-Dorion will reimburse young families 50% of the cost of purchasing or renting cloth diapers, including swim diapers, flat diapers, diaper pants, inserts and liners. Maximum $100 per child and per household.


  • Diapers must have been purchased or rented from a company established in Québec no more than 12 months before the application is submitted.
  • The child(ren) must be not yet born, less than 12 months old, or if adopted, the adoption must have taken place less than 12 months ago.

Required documentation:

  • Application form;
  • Proof of residence (double-sided driver's license, electricity bill, current year's tax bill, etc.);
  • Proof of purchase or rental including type(s) of diaper, company name and address, GST and QST numbers, and date of purchase or rental contract.

Consumer products

Based on the principles of refuse/reduce/reuse/recycle/repurpose, more and more zero-waste products are available on the market. To encourage the adoption of such products, the City will reimburse 50% of the purchase cost of reusable products replacing a single-use product up to a maximum of $100/year per household. The refund is increased to 75% for products purchased from a Vaudreuil-Soulanges business.

Eligible products are as follows:

  • Plastic or wool dryer balls
  • Battery chargers and rechargeable batteries (AA, AAA, C, D)
  • Washable breastfeeding compresses
  • Menstrual cups
  • Reusable bowl covers or reusable beeswax films
  • Washable potty training diapers
  • Washable pants and pads for bladder weakness, incontinence, enuresis or menstruation (including swimwear)
  • Reusable paper towels
  • Reusable coffee filters or pods
  • Washable handkerchiefs
  • Toilet paper, tissues or washable wipes
  • Reusable produce bags
  • Reusable shopping bags
  • Washable makeup removal pads


  • Purchase made from a company established in Québec no more than 12 months prior to the application.

Required documentation:

  • Application form;
  • Proof of residence (double-sided driver's license, electricity bill, current year's tax bill, etc.);
  • Proof of purchase including type(s) of product, company name and address, GST and QST numbers, and date of purchase.


The aim of composting is to reclaim waste on-site and decrease the amount of garbage sent to landfill. It's easy to do at home.

This grant will reimburse residents up to $50 for the purchase or construction of a composter, up to a maximum of two composters per household annually.


  • Purchase made in a store located within the MRC de Vaudreuil-Soulanges in the 12 months prior to the application.

Required documentation:

  • Form; 
  • Proof of residence (double-sided driver's license, electricity bill, current year's tax bill, etc.);
  • Proof of purchase indicating type(s) of composter or material, company name and address, GST and QST numbers, and date of purchase;
  • Photos before and after the installation of composter(s) showing the building, as well as a photo of the building façade with the address;
  • Proxy or written agreement of owner (if applicable).

Manual lawnmowers and shredder blades for lawnmowers

Grasscycling involves leaving grass clippings on the lawn after mowing, which adds nutrients to the soil and reduces the amount of green waste sent to landfill sites. Under this grant, up to $50 of the cost of purchasing a manual roller lawnmower (excluding any gas or electric mower) or grasscycling shredder blades will be reimbursed.

  • Purchase made in a store located within the MRC de Vaudreuil-Soulanges in the 12 months prior to the application.
  • The purchase of a gas or electric mower is not eligible for the grant.

Required documentation:

  • Application form; 
  • Proof of residence (double-sided driver's license, electricity bill, current year's tax bill, etc.);
  • Proof of purchase specifying that it was for a manuel landmower or shredder blades, along with company name and address, GST and QST numbers, and date of purchase;
  • Photo of the blade(s) and mower;
  • Proxy or written consent of owner (if applicable).

Radon detectors

Radon is a radioactive gas naturally present in the earth as a result of uranium breakdown. It’s colourless, odourless and flavourless, and when released into the air it mixes with other gases. When this happens, the concentration is too low to constititute a health hazard, but radon gas cgan leak into buildings and accumulate there. If the concentration is high enough, it can lead to health problems; in fact, radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in Québec. In 2019, the City participated in the 100 Kits Challenge organized by the Take Action on Radon Coalition. Read the report (in French) detailing the results of this initiative.

To measure radon levels in residential buildings, the City of Vaudreuil-Dorion sells radon detectors for just $5, including analysis and shipping. For a conclusive test, the detector must be left in the same place for at least three months (between November and April) and up to 12 months. Only one detector may be purchased per household. See the radon presentation for more information.


  • Purchase the detector online via the activity registration platform (not to be confused with the grant application platform) or by phone at 450-455-3371 as of starting September 5 of each year, at 9 a.m.

  • Have in your possession a valid citizen card to apply online. 
  • Detector pick up on one of the following distribution days:
    - October 15, 2025, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. - Opticentre St-Jean-Baptiste
    - November 8, 2025, 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. - Opticentre St-Jean-Baptiste
    - November 19, 2025, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. - Opticentre St-Jean-Baptiste

  • No refunds will be given for detectors that are not picked up.

  • Follow instructions for long-term testing of indoor air radon, issued by the Association pulmonaire du Québec.

Required documentation:

  • Completed application form. You must have it with you on distribution days to pick up the detector;
  • Proof of residence (double-sided driver's license, electricity bill, current year's tax bill, etc.);
  • Proxy or written consent of owner (if applicable).

Radon Mitigation System

If the concentration of radon in a residential building is above the Canadian Action Level (200 Bq/m3), it is recommended that work be done to reduce the concentration of the gas. To help citizens add a radon mitigation system to their homes, the City will reimburse 50 per cent of the cost of installing a radon mitigation system to a maximum of $500 per residence.


  • Installation of the radon mitigation system performed by a PNCR-C certified company located in Quebec.
  • All documents must be submitted BEFORE December 31 of the reference year, the year in which the work was carried out.
  • The radon concentration must be above the Canadian Action Level (200 Bq/m3, including the margin of error).
  • The radon test must have been performed following a long-term installation, for a minimum of three months, between November and April. It can remain in place for a maximum of 12 months.

Required documentation:

  • Application form
  • Proof of residence (double-sided driver's license, electricity bill, current year's tax bill, etc.);
  • Proof of purchase of a radon mitigation system specifying the product(s) purchased, the name and address of the company, the GST and QST numbers, the date of installation and the address where it was carried out;
  • Radon test results proving that the detector has been installed in the same location for a minimum of three months between November and April (report from an accredited laboratory or photos indicating the dates) and for a maximum of 12 months;
  • Photo of the installation of the mitigation system;
  • Proxy or written consent of owner (if applicable).

Removal or replacement of old wood heaters

Non-certified wood-burning appliances that do not meet EPA or CSA B415.1 standards release a huge quantity of fine particles due to incomplete combustion of the wood. These particles affect air quality and penetrate easily into the lungs, posing a danger to public health.

To reduce air pollution, the City offers $250 for removal or $500 for replacement of an old wood heater in Vaudreuil-Dorion homes.


  • Eligibility must be determined by an employee of the Engineering and Environment Division BEFORE the work is done.
  • The old heater must not be any of the following:
    - comply with at least one EPA or CAN/CSA environmental standard;
    - in a secondary residence;
    - non-functional or decorative;
    - located in a non-living area (e.g., a garage).
  • The old appliance must be recycled (supporting documents needed).
  • The new heater must be all of the following:
    - bought in a store located in the MRC de Vaudreuil-Soulanges;
    - new;
    - wood, gas or pellet-burning (not electric or ethanol-burning);
    - compliant with all environmental, safety and installation standards;
    - compliant with municipal by-laws (including obtaining a Certificate of Approval from the City);
    - installed in a residence according to manufacturer's instructions;
    - installed by a contractor licensed by the RBQ for the work performed.
  • All required documents must be submitted BEFORE December 31 of the reference year (year when the work was done).

Required documentation:

  • Application form; 
  • Proof of residence (permis de conduire recto verso, facture d'électricité, compte de taxes de l'année en cours, etc.);
  • Photos of old heater before and after dismantling
  • For a replacement:
    - photo of the newly installed device;
    - photos of an installed smoke/carbon monoxide detector;
    - proof that the old unit was recycled;
    - proof of new heater’s compliance with EPA or CSA 415.1 standard or the most recent if woodburning; - proof of purchase stating company name and address, RBQ licence number, make and model of new appliance, GST and QST numbers, purchase date and installation date;
    - certificate of compliance for new heater.
  • Proxy or written consent of owner (if applicable).

Bikes and accessories

The bicycle is an ideal means of transport for the city. Whether it's used for shopping, commuting or just for a ride, cycling helps reduce traffic congestion and greenhouse gas emissions, increases travel efficiency and is good for your health.

In order to promote healthy lifestyles while reducing greenhouse gas emissions on its territory, the City offers its citizens a subsidy for the purchase of traditional and electric bikes. It provides a maximum reimbursement of $50 for a new bike or $75 for a used bike. Bicycle accessories to increase their carrying capacity are also accepted. The City will subsidize 50% of the cost of purchasing one or more bike bags, bike baskets, bike trailers or a baby seat to a maximum of $50 per residence.


  • Purchase made in a business located on the territory of the MRC of Vaudreuil-Soulanges in the 12 months preceding the request. 
  • The purchase of a three-wheel electric scooter, scooter or electric scooter is not eligible for this grant.

Required documentation:

  • Application form;
  • Proof of residence (double-sided driver's license, electricity bill, current year's tax bill, etc.);
  • Proof of purchase specifying the name and address of the company, the GST and QST numbers and the date of purchase;
  • For traditional bicycles:
    - photos of bicycle(s);
    - photos of bicycle helmet(s);
    - photos of reflectors (front and rear of bicycle, front wheel and rear wheel).
  • For electric bicycles:
    - photos of bicycle(s);
    - photos of bicycle helmet(s);
    - photos of reflectors (front and rear of bicycle, front wheel and rear wheel);
    - proof that the bicycle purchased is electric, with a maximum power of 500 W and a maximum speed of 32 km/h.
  • For bicycle accessories:
    - Photos of the bicycle accessories.

Charging stations for electric vehicles

Using an electric vehicle instead of a gasoline-powered vehicle in Quebec can reduce the amount of greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere by 80%. Quebec has reached the milestone of having 300,000 electric or hybrid vehicles on its roads by 2023.

To encourage the purchase of these vehicles, the City is offering a $150 reimbursement for the purchase and installation of a home electric vehicle charging station, up to a maximum of one per address.


  • All required documentation must be filed BEFORE December 31st of the reporting year in which the purchase and installation was completed.
  • The terminal must be installed on a residential property in Vaudreuil-Dorion.
  • Installation carried out by a contractor or a company located in Quebec.

Required documentation:

  • Form;
  • Proof of residence (double-sided driver's license, electricity bill, current year's tax bill, etc.);
  • Photos before and after the installation of the charging station;
  • Photo of the front of the building showing the address;
  • Proof of purchase indicating the name and address of the company, GST and QST numbers and date of purchase;
  • Proof of installation showing the company name, address, GST and QST numbers, date of installation and the address where the installation was performed;
  • Proxy or written agreement from the owner (if applicable).

Rain barrels

Rainwater is unchlorinated, warm and pH-balanced. It can be used for watering flowerbeds, gardens and lawns, washing vehicles or filling a swimming pool. One barrel reduces drinking water consumption by 4,000 litres a year.

The City offers grants of up to $50 for the purchase of rain barrels (maximum two barrels per household per year).


  • Purchase made in a store located within the MRC de Vaudreuil-Soulanges in the 12 months prior to the application.

Required documentation:

  • Application form; 
  • Proof of residence (double-sided driver's license, electricity bill, current year's tax bill, etc.);
  • Proof of purchase specifying rain barrel type(s), company name and address, GST and QST numbers, and purchase date;
  • Photos before and after the installation of rain barrel(s) showing the building, as well as a photo of the building façade with the address;
  • Proxy or written consent of owner (if applicable).

Low-flow toilets

A standard toilet uses 13 to 20 litres for each flush. When you replace an old toilet with a low-flow toilet, you save at least 50 litres of water a day.

Residents can receive up to $75 when they buy a low-flow toilet. Maximum two toilets per household per year.


  • Purchase made in a store located within the MRC de Vaudreuil-Soulanges in the 12 months prior to the application.
  • The old toilet(s) must be recycled. Please note that toilets collected during the bulky waste collection are not recycled. Only those brought to the ecocentre are recycled.
  • The toilet(s) must be connected to the municipal sewer system.
  • The new toilet(s) must have at least one of the following characteristics:
    - 6 litres or less;
    - dual flush;
    - WaterSense certified;
    - designated HET (high-efficiency toilet).

Required documentation:

  • Application form;
  • Proof of residence (double-sided driver's license, electricity bill, current year's tax bill, etc.);
  • Proof of purchase specifying toilet type(s) and showing that the required specifications are met, company name and address, GST and QST numbers, and purchase date;
  • Photo of toilet before work;
  • Photo of installation of low-flow toilet;
  • Proof that the original toilet(s) have been recycled (signed document from the company responsible for recycling to be requested upon arrival at the ecocenter);
  • Proxy or written consent of owner (if applicable).

Plumbing kits

Using low-flow shower heads and taps reduces the quantity of water consumed, without decreasing water pressure.

The City has purchased water-saving plumbing kits and sells them to citizens at low cost. Prices are as follows:

  • Basic kit ($5): kitchen tap aerator, bathroom tap aerator, toilet tank bag and small fixed showerhead
  • Design kit ($10): kitchen tap aerator, bathroom tap aerator, toilet tank bag and medium-sized fixed showerhead
  • Deluxe kit ($10): kitchen tap aerator, bathroom tap aerator, toilet tank bag and telephone showerhead

A household may purchase more than one kit.


  • Must be purchased at Vaudreuil-Dorion City Hall.

Required documentation:

  • Application form;
  • Proof of residence (double-sided driver's license, electricity bill, current year's tax bill, etc.).

Replacement of lead water pipes

Before the 1970s, lead was considered a safe material for manufacturing water pipes. That’s why we sometimes still find lead from deteriorating water pipes in our way today.

According to Health Canada, the concentration of lead in water must fall below 0.005 mg/L. When this concentration is higher, measures must be taken to reduce it.

In order to ensure that the quality of its drinking water complies with provincial regulations, the City of Vaudreuil-Dorion is in the process of replacing lead water pipes within its territory. However, in order to reduce citizens’ exposure to the lead found in water, it is also necessary to replace lead pipes that are found in private homes.

The City of Vaudreuil-Dorion offers a subsidy for the replacement of lead water inlet pipes, covering the cost of all the work required, up to a maximum of $2,500 per residence. In the case of multi-unit dwellings, a maximum of two subsidy applications may be granted per building.

To find out more about lead water pipes, visit the Lead in Drinking Water section on the Water and Sewer Systems page of the City’s website. This page also includes a form that citizens can fill out and email to filtration@ville.vaudreuil-dorion.qc.ca to have their tap water analyzed for lead.

Eligible buildings

  • Residential property located in the Vaudreuil-Dorion area.
  • The building must have one or more lead water inlet pipes, as confirmed by the City of Vaudreuil-Dorion.
  • Have obtained a permit for the work from the Service de l'aménagement du territoire (if applicable).

Eligible work

  • Replacement of one or more private lead connections.
  • Excavation.
  • Connection removal and installation.
  • Backfilling.
  • Site restoration, including landscaping and paving.

Eligible costs

  • Cost of materials.
  • Cost of machinery, tools and labour required to carry out eligible work (taxes included).

Documents to be supplied

  • Application form.
  • Homeowner’s proof of residence (driver’s licence – both sides, electricity bill, tax bill, etc.). 
  • Power of attorney or written agreement from the homeowner. In the case of condominiums, the agreement of the co-ownership syndicate is required.
  • Excavation permit obtained from the City’s Service de l’aménagement du territoire.
  • Invoices for work performed, showing contractor’s name, address and RBQ licence number, GST and QST numbers, date of work and address where work was performed.
  • Photo of excavation work and of new pipe during construction.

All documents must be submitted within 12 months of the work start date.

Tree planting

The City of Vaudreuil-Dorion wishes to raise awareness among citizens about the importance of urban trees on private property and thus increase their number on the territory. In addition to beautifying the city, increasing air quality and fighting against heat islands, trees increase property values and the quality of life of residents. The tree planting grant has two components: One human, one tree and Let's make our City greener. A resident can apply for each component. The grant is available only once per child, but can be applied for up to five years after birth.

Non-eligible species

  • Norway maple, flat maple or bird’s-eye maple (Acer platanoides) 
  • Glossy Buckthorn (Rhamnus frangula) 
  • Cathartic buckthorn (Rhamnus cathartica) 
  • Siberian Elm (Ulmus pumila) 
  • All ash species (genus fraxinus)

The following species are not eligible for the subsidy unless they are planted in riparian buffer:

  • Hemlock maple (Acer negundo) 
  • Silver maple (Acer saccharinum) 
  • American elm (Ulmus americana)
  • White poplar (Populus alba) 
  • Lombardy poplar (Populus nigra italica) 
  • Canadian poplar (Populus Deltoides) 
  • Quaking aspen (Populus Tremuloides)
  • Bay willow (Salix pentandra) 
  • Weeping willow (Salix alba tristis)

Une naissance, un arbre (One human, one tree)

On the birth or adoption of a child, Vaudreuil-Dorion residents can receive up to $200 for the purchase of a tree.


  • The child must be five years of age or younger or, in the case of an adoption, must have been formalized within the last five years.
  • The tree must be a woody plant with a single trunk that branches at a certain height from the ground, with a minimum height at maturity of 5 m.
  • The spread of the mature tree must comply with the requirements of the felling permit, where applicable (small spread, height 5 to 8 m, medium spread, height 8 to 20 m, large spread, 20 m and over)
  • The tree must respect the minimum size required at planting:
    - for conifers, minimum height 100 cm;
    - for deciduous trees, minimum height of 200 cm or diameter (trunk width) of 30 mm (3 cm) in the case of a planting obligation under a tree-felling permit. Diameter must be measured at 30 cm from the ground. Where planting is required under a felling permit, the diameter must be 30 mm (3 cm).
  • The purchase is made in a business located in the MRC de Vaudreuil-Soulanges territory in the 12 months preceding the request.
  • Plantings that are mandatory as a result of a regulatory infraction are not eligible for this grant.

Required documentation:

  • Application form indicating child's name and date of birth;
  • Proof of residence (double-sided driver's license, electricity bill, current year's tax bill, etc.);
  • Proof of purchase specifying the specie, company name and address, GST and QST numbers and date of purchase;
  • Photos of the planting site before work;
  • Photos of the planting site after work;
  • Photos of the façade of the building showing the address;
  • Proof of minimum size required:
    - for conifers, invoice or tree label showing minimum height of 100 cm;
    - for a deciduous tree, invoice or tree label showing minimum height of 200 cm or photo of a tape measure showing minimum diameter (trunk width) of 30 mm (3 cm) at 30 cm from the ground in the case of a planting obligation under a tree cutting permit.
  • Owner’s power of attorney or written agreement (if applicable).

Verdissons Vaudreuil-Dorion (Let's make our city greener)

This grant offers Vaudreuil-Dorion homeowners a full refund of up to $200 per new tree. Each household can receive a grant for three trees each year. Trees planted under a felling permit due to natural causes (ice, high winds, disease, natural death or dangerous trees) are subsidized at 50% to a maximum of $200 per tree.


  • The tree must be a woody plant with a single trunk that branches at a certain height from the ground, with a minimum height at maturity of 5 m.
  • The spread of the mature tree must comply with the requirements of the felling permit, where applicable (small spread, height 5 to 8 m, medium spread, height 8 to 20 m, large spread, 20 m and over).
  • The tree must respect the minimum size required at planting:
    - for conifers, minimum height 100 cm;
    - for deciduous trees, minimum height of 200 cm or diameter (trunk width) of 30 mm (3 cm) in the case of a planting obligation under a tree-felling permit. Diameter must be measured at 30 cm from the ground. Where planting is required under a felling permit, the diameter must be 30 mm (3 cm).
  • The purchase is made in a business located in the MRC de Vaudreuil-Soulanges territory in the 12 months preceding the request.
  • Plantings that are mandatory as a result of a regulatory infraction are not eligible for this grant.

Required documentation:

  • Application form; 
  • Proof of residence (double-sided driver's license, electricity bill, current year's tax bill, etc.);
  • Proof of purchase specifying the specie, company name and address, GST and QST numbers and date of purchase;
  • Photos of the planting site before work;
  • Photos of the planting site after work;
  • Photos of the façade of the building showing the address;
  • Proof of minimum size required:
    - for conifers, invoice or tree label showing minimum height of 100 cm;
    - for a deciduous tree, invoice or tree label showing minimum height of 200 cm or photo of a tape measure showing minimum diameter (trunk width) of 30 mm (3 cm) at 30 cm from the ground in the case of a planting obligation under a tree cutting permit.
  • Owner’s power of attorney or written agreement (if applicable).

Planting riparian strips and ditches

The City subsidizes 50% of the cost of trees, shrubs and herbaceous perennials for replanting a riparian strip and ditches of up to 5 m from the top of the embankment, for a maximum of $300.


  • Eligibility will be determined by an Environment Section employee BEFORE the work begins and after submission of a planting plan to scale including plant locations, species and sizes. 
  • The planting must be carried out in accordance with municipal regulations (including obtaining a certificate of authorization from the City).
  • Selected plants must preferably be indigenous, hardy, adapted to the receiving environment and recognized for riparian characteristics.
  • Purchase made in a store located within the MRC de Vaudreuil-Soulanges.
  • All documents must be provided BEFORE December 31 of the reference year (the year in which the work was done).
  • Mandatory plantations under a notice of violation or a statement of offence are not eligible for this grant.

Required documentation:

  • Application form; 
  • Proof of residence (double-sided driver's license, electricity bill, current year's tax bill, etc.);
  • Plantation plan;
  • Proof of purchase including species or type of vegetation, height and diameter, company name and address, GST and QST numbers, and date of purchase;
  • Photos of planting site before work;
  • Photos of planting site after work;
  • Photo of building facade showing address;
  • Proxy or written consent of owner (if applicable).

TreeAzin treatment of private ash trees

The Emerald Ash Borer, an exotic insect from Asia, is attacking ash trees in North America. The mortality rate is close to 100%. Ash trees can be treated preventively with a registered systemic insecticide: TreeAzin. This treatment prolongs the life of ash trees by protecting them from the insect.

The grant reimburses 50% of the cost of treating private ash trees in residential areas, for a maximum of two ash trees per address, per year, to a maximum of $200 per tree. Note that it is recommended that the tree be treated two years out of three to give the tree a rest period.


  • Eligibility must be determined by an employee of the Environment Division BEFORE treatment.
  • The trees must:
    - be at least 15 cm in diameter at chest height;
    - in good health as judged by the Environment Division employee;
    - be located on a residential lot.
  • The treatment must be done between June 1st and August 31st of the reference year.
  • All documentation must be submitted BEFORE December 31st of the reference year, the year in which the work was carried out.

Required documentation:

  • Application form; 
  • Proof of residence (double-sided driver's license, electricity bill, current year's tax bill, etc.);
  • Proof of treatment indicating contractor name, treatment date, number of ashes treated, chest-height diameter of each ash treated, product used, and GST and QST numbers;
  • Proxy or written consent of owner (if applicable).

Emerald ash borer-affected private ash trees cutting

The emerald ash borer, an exotic insect native to Asia, is attacking ash trees in North America. The mortality rate of the trees is close to 100%. It is therefore often desirable to cut down an ash tree showing signs of infestation in order to limit the damage it may cause when it falls.

The grant consists of a reimbursement of 50% of the cost of cutting ash trees located on private property in residential areas, up to a maximum of $400, per address, per year. Unless otherwise specified, this grant will be combined with the Verdissons Vaudreuil-Dorion grant, which reimburses up to $200 per tree planted for a maximum of three trees per address per year.


  • The felling, planting and filing of the required documents must be done within 12 months of the issuance of the certificate of authorization for the felling of trees by the City.

  • The cutting of ash trees must be done by a company or contractor located in the MRC of Vaudreuil-Soulanges.

  • A certificate of authorization for the felling of trees must be obtained from the City and must be respected.

  • Each ash tree subsidized for felling must be replaced by a tree meeting the criteria of the Verdissons Vaudreuil-Dorion grant, in addition to the following criteria:
    • Have a mature medium or large-scale deploymen;
    • Minimum size required for a coniferous tree, i.e. 100 cm in height, or for a deciduous tree, i.e. 200 cm in height or minimum diameter (width of trunk of 30 mm (3 cm) at 30 cm from the ground.

  • New tree purchased in a business located on the territory of the MRC of Vaudreuil-Soulanges.

  • Plantings that are mandatory by virtue of a notice or statement of offence under the regulations in force are not eligible for this grant.


Required documentation:

  • Application form; 
  • Proof of residence (double-sided driver's license, electricity bill, current year's tax bill, etc.);
  • City Certificate of Approval number;
  • Proof of ash cutting specifying the name and address of the company or contractor who carried out the cutting, the date of the cutting, the individual cost for each tree cut, the GST and QST numbers;
  • Proof of purchase specifying the species purchased, the name and address of the company, the GST and QST numbers and the date of purchase;
  • Photos of the planting site, before and after the work, and of the front of the building showing the address;
  • Before and after photos of the ash tree being cut down;
  • Proof of minimum size requirement:
    - for a coniferous tree, invoice or label of the tree showing the minimum height of 100 cm;
    - for a hardwood, invoice or tree tag showing the minimum height of 200 cm or photo of a tape measure showing the minimum diameter (trunk width) of 30 mm (3 cm) at 30 cm from the ground.
  • Proxy or written agreement from the owner (if applicable).
Partial opening of the Municipal Hub

Partial opening of the Municipal Hub

Municipal services accessible in the new City Hall