Horticulture and gardens

The City of Vaudreuil-Dorion is committed to being a "Garden-Friendly City" that supports the development of garden culture.

Four-star ranking

In November 2024, the Corporation des Fleurons du Québec awarded the City of Vaudreuil-Dorion a ''4 Fleurons'' classification. This classification is awarded to municipalities that demonstrate excellent horticultural beautification in most areas.

The assessment highlighted a number of distinctive features on the territory, such as the landscaping of Le 405 and Félix-Leclerc parks, as well as Maison Valois, Opticentre St-Jean-Baptiste and Centre communautaire Jean-Marc-Ducharme.

The ''4 Fleurons'' rating is valid for three years. The City was awarded its 4 fleurons for the first time in 2015.

Edible landscapes

Two Jardins des découvertes (discovery gardens) were created in 2015: one at the library and the other on Îlot Mireault. These gardens contain herbs and vegetables grouped by theme. Another edible landscape can be found at the Parc de la Maison-Valois. Everyone is welcome to come and discover new products and harvest them when the time comes.

Watch horticulture videoclips (in French) filmed in these gardens.


JardinDecouvertes_CroissantMireault.jpg (2.25 MB)

Horticultural Fair

The Horticultural Fair is one of the 73 actions that make up the City of Vaudreuil-Dorion's Strategic Plan 2020-2025. This event, expected to be held every year, aims to promote gardening activities. The Horticultural Fair is part of the Environmental Policy.

The Horticultural Fair is held each year in May. Citizens receive a distribution of compost, wood chips, eco-friendly grass seed, shrubs, small trees and more. 

Community gardens

Five community gardens are available during the summer season. One of the goals of this project is to provide residents of these areas, who do not have space for gardening, with access to healthy food, teach them the basics of gardening, and offer them an opportunity to interact with one another.

  • Jardin des Abbesses (Pie-XII green space)
  • Jardin des Loisirs (Sainte-Trinité park)
  • Bourget Garden (Îlot Bourget)
  • Jardin des Muguets (des Muguets green space)
  • Jardin Lorne-Worsley (Lorne-Worsley park) 

For more information, please refer to the community gardens regulation guide (in French).


Individuals interested in obtaining a garden space must register with the Environment Division between February 1 and March 1 each year.

  • environnement@ville.vaudreuil-dorion.qc.ca
  • 450 455-3371

If the number of registrations exceeds the available garden spaces, a waiting list will be established in chronological order of request reception, following the “first come, first served” principle.

Eligibility Criteria

Community gardens are available exclusively to residents of the City of Vaudreuil-Dorion aged 18 and over. A proof of residence dated for the current year is required to obtain a garden space, and only one space per civic address will be granted.

Garden Space Allocation

Garden spaces are first reserved for gardeners from the previous year who have renewed their registration. Remaining spaces are then offered, in order of registration, to citizens on the waiting list until all spots are filled.

If garden spaces are still available after June 1, and no citizens remain on the waiting list, they will be assigned by random draw among gardeners who expressed interest in obtaining a second space during registration.


This new service, located in the municipal library, features a variety of organic, local, ancestral and indigenous seeds (herbs, flowers and vegetables) that will be offered free of charge to members.

Self-service wood chips

Wood chips are available free of charge to residents. They can be picked up on a self-service basis at the entrance to the snow disposal site on rue du Voiturier, accessible from rang Saint-Antoine.

The wood chips come from branch collections or from tree felling and pruning in the city.

Partial opening of the Municipal Hub

Partial opening of the Municipal Hub

Municipal services accessible in the new City Hall