
During the winter, from November 15 to April 1, overnight on-street parking is not allowed. It is allowed for the rest of the year, unless indicated otherwise by signage.

Winter Parking Information Line

Although on-street parking is prohibited from November 15 to April 1 between midnight and 7 a.m., a winter parking information line (450-455-3372) is set up to loosen relax this rule and adapt to weather conditions. Every day at 5 p.m., the message at this number is updated to let you know if street parking is permitted or prohibited, starting at midnight. The decision to allow or not allow street parking depends not only on weather conditions, but also on snow removal operations.

New: Be notified of parking bans by subscribing to notices and notifications on the City's new citizen portal. You will be able to sign up to receive notifications by e-mail, text message or mobile notification. Despite the implementation of this platform, the winter parking information line (450-455-3372) remains the safest source of information, particularly in the event of legal recourse. It is therefore to be preferred.

Note that some exceptions apply. Therefore where there is a sign prohibiting parking, the parking sign takes precedence over the telephone message (see Appendix B of By-law No. 1806). 


In the event that a vehicle does not comply with the parking prohibition and interferes with snow removal operations, it will be towed to one of the following locations and fees will apply.:

  • on the same street, in a place where he won't interfere with these operations;
  • in the nearest street;
  • in the Centre multisports André-Chagnon parking lot;
  • on the snow deposit site (rue du Voiturier) accessible via rang Saint-Antoine.

Citizens can contact 311 at any time to find out where their vehicle was towed.

No person shall abandon or leave unoccupied a motor vehicle on a highway or in a municipal parking lot for a continuous period of more than 72 hours (April 2 to November 14) and more than 48 hours (November 15 to April 1st).

Alternative Parking

When on-street parking is prohibited, you can leave your car in one of the following parking lots made available by the City:

  • Arena and municipal library
  • Jean-Marc-Ducharme community centre
  • Parc Trudeau
  • Parc de Bel-Air
  • Parc de Dorion-Gardens (pay attention to the signage)
  • Parc de la Maison-Valois 
  • Parc Paul-Gérin-Lajoie
  • Parc Esther-Blondin
  • Parc Lorne-Worsley
  • Parc Félix-Leclerc
  • Parc de la montée Cadieux
  • De la Fabrique Parking
  • Parking of the Très-Sainte-Trinité Church (145, avenue Saint-Charles)

Bicycle Paths

At all times according to the dates on the signage, it is prohibited to park a vehicle in a travel lane reserved for bicycles or pedestrians and identified by lines painted on the road, by bollards or by any other signage.

Recreational Vehicles

It is prohibited to park a trailer, tent trailer, motorhome or other recreational or off-road vehicle on a public road or in the parking lot of a municipal park for more than 12 hours. After 12 hours, such a vehicle must leave that spot for more than 24 hours before it may return for another period of up to 12 hours.

Prolonged Parking

A motor vehicle may not be left unmoved on a thoroughfare or in a municipal parking lot for more than 72 hours from April 2 to November 14, and 48 hours from November 15 to April 1 of the following year.

See By-law 1806 for all rules related to parking.

Partial opening of the Municipal Hub

Partial opening of the Municipal Hub

Municipal services accessible in the new City Hall