Public meetings

The Municipal Council of Vaudreuil-Dorion usually sits twice a month, on the first and third Mondays of the month at 7 p.m., except in summer when it meets once a month. Council may also, if need be, hold special meetings in accordance with articles 323 and following of the Cities and Towns Act. On such occasions, only the items specified in the notice of meeting may be discussed.


Information from By-law no. 1842

  • Anyone attending a City Council meeting must remain silent and refrain from disturbing the peace.
  • Two question periods are scheduled at each meeting:
    - the first, following the order of business and adoption of the minutes, for a maximum of 15 minutes;
    - a second, at the end of the session, not exceeding 30 minutes.
  • Anyone wishing to ask a question is asked to come to the microphone and give their first and last name and address.
  • The question must concern a matter of municipal public interest that falls within the City's jurisdiction.
  • In order to promote public interest by enabling a greater number of people to obtain information and ask questions about City affairs, the time allowed for a citizen to ask questions is limited to a maximum of three minutes.
  • The question must be brief, clear, accompanied by a short preamble to quickly place it in context, and formulated to obtain the information requested.
  • A citizen must ask all questions before the designated council member(s) begin answering.
  • The questioner must use appropriate and respectful language.
  • The Chairman may refuse a question, interrupt or withdraw the right to speak from a person who contravenes these rules.
  • No deliberation is permitted during the question period.
  • The following behaviors are prohibited during question period:
    - Any altercation, intervention, interpellation or interruption by a person attending the meeting;
    - The use of abusive or obscene language;
    - Debates between those present or between them and members of Council or municipal officers.

Citizens may also submit their questions to to be read at the beginning of the session.

Eligibility requirements for questions

  • Questions must be received before 3:00 p.m. on the day of the council meetings to ensure that they are read. Any question received after this time will be addressed at the following council meeting.
  • All questions received will be submitted to the council for a response at the time set aside for this purpose in the meeting agenda, in accordance with the provisions of Règlement n°1842 : Règlement sur la régie interne des séances du conseil.
  • The individual making the request must provide his/her first and last name and address as well as indicate whether he/she is a tenant or homeowner in the municipality or a non-resident.
  • Questions must be written in the interrogative form and contain only the words required to obtain the requested information. Questions must relate to a matter of public interest that is within the City’s jurisdiction. As such, a question may be refused if:
    - it is preceded by an unnecessary preamble;
    - it contains a hypothesis, personal opinion, deduction, allusion or suggestion or if it imputes a motive;
    - its answer requires or constitutes a professional opinion or personal judgment;
    - it is frivolous, vexatious or of such a nature as to discredit the purpose of the question period;
    - it contains seditious, abusive, obscene or intimidating language.
  • If any documents go along with the question, they must be provided in the same email.

Note that it is always possible to complete an online request or submit questions related to the different services offered or any comments concerning any of the various sectors of activities directly to the City via the Contact Us section.


The agenda for the next meeting of Municipal Council is generally available at 3 p.m. the preceding Friday.

February 24, 2025 Regular meeting

Broadcasting of municipal council meetings

Participate in democratic life by watching the city's municipal council meetings:

2025 schedule of municipal council meetings

Ordinary meetings of Municipal Council will be held on the following dates:

January 20 June 16
February 3 July 7
February 24 August 11
March 17 September 2
April 7 September 15
April 22 October 1st
May 5 November 17
May 20 December 1st
June 2 December 8 *

* Extraordinary budget meeting

Procès-verbaux 2024

Minutes of Proceedings 2023

Minutes of Proceedings 2022

Minutes of Proceedings 2021

Minutes of Proceedings 2020

Minutes of Proceedings 2019

Minutes of Proceedings 2018

Minutes of Proceedings 2017

Minutes of Proceedings 2016

Minutes of Proceedings 2015


Consult the minutes of previous years.

Partial opening of the Municipal Hub

Partial opening of the Municipal Hub

Municipal services accessible in the new City Hall