Notice of Deterioration

The law requires municipalities to publish a list of buildings for which a notice of deterioration has been registered in the Land Register.

In accordance with Article 145.41 and the following aspects of the Act respecting land use planning and development, City Council has adopted the By-law no 1787 on the maintenance and occupancy of buildings, which serves to establish standards and prescribe measures relating to the maintenance and occupancy of buildings. This by-law requires the owner to carry out any refurbishment work, maintenance and repair work required on a building in the event where it shows signs of disrepair and dilapidation. In such circumstances, the City will send the building owner a written notice outlining the work required to bring the building up to the standards and measures established by the regulations as well as a deadline for completing the work. If the owner of a building fails to comply with the notice given to him pursuant to Paragraph 2 of Article 145.41, the City Council may request that a Notice of Deterioration be registered in the Land Register.

Buildings for which a Notice of Deterioration has been registered in the Land Register

Partial opening of the Municipal Hub

Partial opening of the Municipal Hub

Municipal services accessible in the new City Hall