New Residents

Word from the Mayor

On behalf of the City Council, it is a pleasure for me to welcome you to Vaudreuil-Dorion. Since you chose to settle here, it is very likely that our City was already meeting with some of your requirements, for example our proximity to the island of Montreal, a low tax rate, a good quality of life for your family, being near the water, parks and green spaces galore, the many stores and services ... In short, an attractive living environment with something for everyone.

The purpose of this web page is to gather in one place all the answers to the questions new residents may ask themselves when arriving in a new city, including which days collections are made, city regulations, the activities that are offered, and the operating hours for the different municipal services, to name a few. Please feel welcome to contact any of our municipal departments or your City Councillor if you have any further questions.

I hope you will feel at home in Vaudreuil-Dorion. We look forward to making your acquaintance at one of our many events.

Guy Pilon

Keep in touch

The City uses several communication channels to reach its citizens and inform them about a multitude of subjects regarding Vaudreuil-Dorion.


The newsletter is sent once a month by email and it informs you of the major current topics of municipal life. 
Subscribe (at the bottom of our home page).

Citizen Portal

Vaudreuil-Dorion’s citizen portal aims to provide its citizens with services focused on mobility and innovation, all from a single secure gateway. By signing up, you can currently create your digital citizen card, receive notifications by email, text message or mobile notification on selected topics and submit some requests. The bciti + mobile app can be downloaded from the App Store or from Google Play.
Create your account.

Social media

The City of Vaudreuil-Dorion maintains a presence on several social media platforms.

Note that these platforms aim to inform and that it is always preferable to contact municipal services by phone or email.


A few brochures are distributed by mail during the year. The municipal newsletter Le Trait d’Unionthe summer brochure Sous le soleil and the municipal calendar. These documents are also available in a digital version.

The Family and Seniors Policy entitled Habitée par ses générations, includes 32 concrete actions to be carried out over the next five years, is the result of a colossal amount of work accomplished over a period of almost two years by a steering committee chaired by City Councillor Diane Morin. Consult the Family and Seniors Policy.

The Strategic planning 2020-2025 is part of the Municipal Council’s commitment to develop a planning tool that will enable the City to properly define its priorities, issues and challenges, as well as orient its actions over the short, medium and long term. It was developed in collaboration with City Council, employees, partners, organizations and citizens. To support it, the City has retained the services of Grisvert, a firm specializing in this type of approach. Consult the Strategic planning 2020-2025.

Automated Emergency Calls

The City uses an automatic call system to quickly reach as many residents as possible when an emergency arises. Register now.

Useful links

Below, you will find some relevant information to know when you arrive in our City.

The City

  • Mayor and Municipal Council
  • Public Meetings
    The Municipal Council of Vaudreuil-Dorion usually sits twice a month, on the first and third Mondays of the month at 7:30 PM, except in summer when it meets once a month.
  • Municipal Departments
    The administrative component of the municipality, headed by the Director General, is made up of 11 departments providing local services to citizens. 
  • By-laws of General Interest
    The City of Vaudreuil-Dorion adopts and implements by-laws designed to protect its citizens and ensure their quality of life.

Services to residents

  • Search by address
    To find out the name of your municipal councilor and district, along with your garbage collection schedule.
  • Application for Permits
    Are you undertaking renovations? Do you want to cut down a tree? For many types of permits, you can apply online.
  • Winter Parking Information Line
    Overnight on-street parking is not allowed during winter, from November 15 to April 1. It is allowed for the rest of the year unless indicated otherwise by signage.
  • Pet License
    A maximum of two cats and two dogs is permitted per household in Vaudreuil-Dorion. Pet licenses are required. Register your pet online!

Culture and Leisure

  • Library
  • Parks and Green Spaces
  • Interactive Map
    Discovers parcs, installations, services and districts.
  • Citizen's Card
    The Citizen’s Card gives you access to the library and free activities. You also need it to sign up at cultural and sports organizations, and you’ll get special rates when you present it.
  • Events Calendar
  • Registration for Activities
    Online registration for activities is recommended. Only payments by credit card (Visa or Mastercard) are accepted, and a resident’s card is required.
  • Organizations
    The City of Vaudreuil-Dorion works in close collaboration with numerous partners and organizations dedicated to leisure, sport and community support.


  • Collection Schedule
  • Watering
    The Outdoor Water Use By-Law is in effect year-round. It applies to all properties served by the City of Vaudreuil-Dorion water supply system.
  • Environmental Grants
    To encourage citizens to take action for the environment, the City of Vaudreuil-Dorion has established several grant programs related to waste reduction, air quality improvement, drinking water conservation and the planting of trees and plants.

Contact us

Questions or comments? Contact the department concerned by filling out the online form. We’ll follow up without delay.

Partial opening of the Municipal Hub

Partial opening of the Municipal Hub

Municipal services accessible in the new City Hall