
The Municipal Council has several committees to help it implement its decisions. These committees bring together employees of the Ville de Vaudreuil-Dorion, as well as municipal councillors and sometimes even residents.

Comité consultatif d’urbanisme—CCU (urban planning advisory committee)

The Comité consultatif d’urbanisme—CCU (urban planning advisory committee) is a working group made up of two municipal councillors and six members chosen from among residents of the Municipality to guide, advise and implement urban planning activities. The recommendations and opinions of the CCU enable Municipal Council to benefit from the contributions of its elected representatives and residents, who can thereby demonstrate their professional and life expertise and their particular concerns for the development of the territory. In order to exercise its decision-making power, Municipal Council must have obtained a prior opinion from its CCU in cases involving a minor derogation, a change in urban planning regulations, a Plan d’aménagement d’ensemble—PAE (overall development plan) and a Plan d’implantation et d’intégration  architecturale—PIIA (architectural integration plan).

Committee members:

  • François Séguin
  • Paul Normand
  • Luc Marsan (substitut)

2025 Calendar of meetings with document submission dates (in French).

Traffic Committee

The Traffic Committee is composed of municipal councillors, city employees and a police officer from the Sûreté du Québec. It works in close collaboration with the Public Works Department and from time to time uses the services of technical staff.

It meets once a month to discuss applications received and files in progress, and then makes recommendations to Municipal Council. Apart from issues involving speed and signage, the Committee also studies proposals to amend regulations, particularly with regard to parking, but also including nuisances, snow removal, etc. It is also involved in the creation of new streets and bike paths.

In addition, the Committee may be called upon to intervene in various forums, whenever it is necessary to improve traffic flow.

If you feel that traffic calming measures should be taken in your neighbourhood, please make a written request to the Traffic Committee at Where the Committee deems it appropriate, it will conduct a traffic study in the sector in question (speed checker, radar, visual counting, etc.).

Committee members:

  • Paul Dumoulin
  • Luc Marsan
  • François Séguin

Demolition Committee

Members of the Demolition Committee meet as needed to discuss the demolition of buildings of heritage interest. The Committee grants authorization if it is satisfied that demolition is desirable, taking into account the public interest and the interests of the parties and considering several evaluation criteria (see Article 11 of Regulation No. 1835).

Committee members:

  • Luc Marsan
  • Gabriel Parent
  • François Séguin

Environment Committee

The Environment Committee, composed of employees of the Engineering and Environment Division and members of Municipal Council, meets monthly or every two months to discuss environmental issues before they are presented to the Committee of the Whole.

Committee members:

  • Paul Dumoulin
  • Luc Marsan

Harwood Committee

The purpose of the Harwood Committee is to make recommendations to Municipal Council on actions needed to achieve the objectives detailed in the Programme particulier d’urbanisme—PPU (special urban planning program) governing revitalization of the sector. This working committee is made up of elected officials, employees and partners of the City.

Committee member: Luc Marsan

Pensions Committee

The Pensions Committee is responsible for managing the pension fund and administering the pension plan. It makes strategic decisions about the plan and its administration and maintains monitoring and risk management activities.

Committee member: Gabriel Parent

Health and Safety Committee

The Committee’s objective is to establish a partnership between Municipal Council and unionized and non-unionized employees, so that each commits to and supports the various means adopted to improve health and safety performance.

Committee member: Paul M. Normand

Sports, Recreation, Culture and Community Life Committee

The Sports, Recreation, Culture and Community Life Committee's main mandate is to analyze the various projects proposed by artists and organizations, whether they are community, recreational or sports-related, and to make recommendations to the Municipal Council.

Committee members:

  • Paul Dumoulin

  • Luc Marsan

  • Gabriel Parent

Toponymy Committee

The Toponymy Committee proposes the names of residential projects and streets. It focuses on problems where addresses could affect security in the territory, for example because of visibility. In collaboration with the Fire Department, it liaises with the various public services (ambulance, police) and with the Commission de la toponymie du Québec.

Committee members:

  • Paul M. Normand
  • Gabriel Parent

Active Transportation Committee

The Active Transportation Committee meets on average every three months ands deals with residents’ proposals, comments or complaints concerning the active transportation network (walking and cycling, sidewalks and bike paths), and makes recommendations to Municipal Council. It also conducts an annual review of the master plan for the development of bike paths. It is made up of municipal employees, an elected representative and residents.

Committee member: François Séguin

Partial opening of the Municipal Hub

Partial opening of the Municipal Hub

Municipal services accessible in the new City Hall