Taxation and Collection

Municipal tax is linked to a piece of property. It’s payable in three installments, except if the total is less than $300. In that case, it must be paid in a single payment.

Tax Rates

For 2025, the property tax rates for each building category, per $100 of assessed value, are as follows:

Residual* (base rate) $0.4541
Buildings with six units or more $0.6053
Non-residential buildings $1.6547
Industrial buildings $1.3982
Serviced empty lots $1.8164
Farmland $0.4541
Forestry $0.4541


* The Residual category consists mainly of residential buildings with fewer than six units, cottages and mobile homes.

Due Dates

Payment of the municipal tax bill is due no later than the 30th day following the sending of the account. These will be mailed on mid-February. Municipal tax bills of more than $300 can be paid in three installments:

  • 1st INSTALMENT: no later than the 30th day following the sending of the account
  • 2nd INSTALMENT: no later than Tuesday, June 17, 2025
  • 3rd INSTALMENT: no later than Wednesday, September 17, 2025

It's important to note these dates, since no reminders will be sent. Any payment made after the due date will entail additional interest charges and penalties at the combined rate of 13 %. The City of Vaudreuil-Dorion is not responsible for delays or omissions in mail delivery, regardless of the means used.

In addition to the annual tax bill, you may receive one or more additional invoices during the year. These invoices result from adjusting the value of your property, for example, after renovations, or any other circumstances that may affect the value of your property. Each supplementary invoice has its own due dates.

Methods of Payment

Regardless of the method used, allow sufficient time (2-3 days) to avoid interests fees, since the payment will be recorded on the day of its receipt by the City.

  • Online: Online payment via your financial institution’s Web site is the most efficient and secure way to pay your municipal taxes and is strongly favoured by the City. Be sure to include your payment reference number which appears on the right side of the payment slip. This is an 18-digit numerical sequence. Select “Ville Vaudreuil-Dorion” from the list of suppliers. If you own more than one property, you must register a payment reference number for each of the properties for which you are making a payment.

If you are unable to use online payment, you have the following options:

  • At your financial institution: You can make your payment at the counter of most Caisses Desjardins or banks. Make sure the number you enter matches the payment reference number which appears on the right side of the payment slip.
  • By mail: By cheque payable to the "City of Vaudreuil-Dorion" indicating on the front the payment reference number appearing on the right side of the payment slip. A $20 fee will be charged for any item not honoured by a financial institution. 
  • At the Finance and Treasury Department: located at the Municipal Hub (2000, rue Émile-Bouchard). Accepted methods of payment are cash, cheque and debit card. Have your tax bill on hand. If you're paying by debit card, check the daily limit with your financial institution before you come to the counter. 

N.B.: The school tax is not payable to the City, but to the Centre de services scolaire des Trois-Lacs or the Comité de gestion de la taxe scolaire de l'île de Montréal.

Change of billing address

To make a change of address, please complete the form "Change of address", which you will have downloaded and saved on your computer. Send it by Email (The Adobe Acrobat Reader PDF reader is required).

Consultation of Assessment Roll

Details on property taxes can be consulted free of charge in the assessment roll section of our online services website. Notaries, legal representatives and financial institutions who sign up for the AccèsCité service portal can, for a fee, access the assessment roll to confirm the amount of tax on a property, including the statement of account.

Duties on the transfer of immovables

All municipalities must collect duties on the transfer of immovables from the purchaser of a property. This tax is billed separately from the property tax and must be paid in a single payment within 30 days of the billing date.

Comparative factor

If taxes are assessed on the basis of the market value at the time of the transfer, multiply the value on the assessment roll by the comparative factor for the fiscal year corresponding to the date of the transfer. Comparative factors for the City of Vaudreuil-Dorion are as follows:

Year Comparative Factor
2021 1.12
2022 1.00
2023 1.28
2024 1.49
2025 1.00

Tax brackets

Since January 1, 2018, the threshold for tax brackets provided for in the Act respecting duties on transfers of immovables is subject to annual indexation corresponding to the rate of increase of the consumer price index for Quebec.

Tax brackets
2024 2025 Rate
Not over $58,900 Not over $61,500 0.5%
Over $58,900 and under $294,600 Over $61,500 and under $307,800 1.0%
 Over $294,600 and under $579,100  Over $307,800 and under $605,100 1.5%

Over $579,100

Over $605,100

3.0 %

*An additional fee of $200 is imposed on exempt real estate transactions.

Immovables not registered in the land register

For transfers of immovables that have not been registered in the land register, purchasers are required to pay property transfer duties and must disclose, within 90 days of the transaction, the information pertaining to the property transfer. You should use the form “Divulgation transferts d'immeubles non inscrits au registre foncier” (Disclosure of property transfers of immovables not registered in the land register). The completed form must be sent to the City of Vaudreuil-Dorion, accompanied by an authenticated copy of the notarial deed or a certified copy of the original of a private deed. A property transfer duties bill will be issued by the City. Accepted modes of transmission are by mail, email or fax. If you opt for a digital format, documents must be in pdf format.


If you have any questions about property tax or property transfer duties, please contact the Finance and Treasury Department at 450-455-3371 or at

Grant for seniors to offset a municipal tax increase

This program is administered by Revenu Québec, not by the City of Vaudreuil-Dorion.

Since January 1, 2016, a provincial grant has been available for seniors relating to municipal tax increases in order to partially offset the increase in municipal taxes payable on a residence as a result of a significant increase in its value.

Conditions for the program

The grant may be requested at the time of filing your income tax return if all conditions are met. To learn more: 

If, depending on the increase in the property assessment, a resident is eligible for the grant, the City of Vaudreuil-Dorion will send them, shortly after sending the annual municipal tax bill, the form entitled “Potential grant to offset an increase in municipal taxes” to inform them of the amount of the potential grant they may be entitled to.

Residents who do not receive the form entitled “Potential grant to offset an increase in municipal taxes” are not eligible for the program.

New homeowner?

If you purchased a property in Vaudreuil-Dorion during the year, you won't receive a tax bill in your name. The bill is produced at the beginning of the year and remains in effect for the year. It's linked to the property and not to the owner.

As of the purchase date, you, the buyer, become responsible for all future tax payments, and not receiving a tax bill in no way reduces your obligation to make the payments by the deadlines set by the City. When you sign the deed of sale, the notary will inform you about the taxes payable. To avoid incurring interest charges, please contact the Finance and Treasury Department to get a copy of the tax account statement or to find out the amount payable.

In the event of non-payment or if there is an unpaid balance, the City will always contact the last registered owner.

Sale of immovables for non-payment of taxes

The Cities and Towns Act (RLRQ, c. C-19) provides that municipalities have the right to sell a property for unpaid municipal taxes.

Following the order of the council, the clerk must, by registered mail, notify each person whose property is to be sold and shall give public notice of the day, hour and place where the sale by auction will be held. A second public notice will be published at least 15 days before the day of the sale.

To prevent the auction sale of a property, its owner must pay all amounts owed in full before the day of the sale.


1.         Any person wishing to submit a bid or act as an agent is invited to register by completing the the appropriate pre-registration form available on the website or in person between 1 p.m. and 2 p.m., on the dates and at the location specified for the sale:

Conditions to be complied with to bid:

  • Information to be declared before the person making the sale:
    1) natural person: first and last name;
    2) legal person: first and last name of his/her representative and the corresponding Québec Business Number (NEQ).
  • One of the following pieces of identification:
    1) driver's licence;
    2) health insurance card;
    3) passport.
  • Any person wishing to bid on behalf of another person must provide a copy of the supporting document authorizing him or her to act as a representative:
    1) of a natural person: power of attorney or written mandate;
    2) of a legal person: a certified extract from the Board of Directors’ resolution or regulation giving this person authorization to do so, power of attorney or other.

2. The successful bidder must immediately pay the price related to the purchase. The payment, in total, must be made in cash, by certified cheque, bank draft ou money order payable to the City of Vaudreuil-Dorion. If need be, refund of any surplus will be made via a cheque issued by the City of Vaudreuil-Dorion immediately following the auction.

If immediate payment is not made, the building will be put back on sale

3. The successful bidder therefore takes ownership of the building purchased and may take possession of it, despite the possibility of withdrawal in the following year, while agreeing not to remove the wood or structures during the said year.

4. The federal Goods and Services Tax (GST) and provincial sales tax (QST) apply to these sales. The successful bidder who is registered with the Governments with respect to these taxes must provide his/her registration numbers at the time of purchase.

For further information, please contact the Clerk’s Office and Legal Affairs Department at 450 455-3371.

Partial opening of the Municipal Hub

Partial opening of the Municipal Hub

Municipal services accessible in the new City Hall