The City of Vaudreuil-Dorion unveils its new Environmental Policy and Strategy

At a public meeting held yesterday, the Vaudreuil-Dorion Municipal Council adopted its new Environmental Policy and Strategy, a fundamental tool for protecting the environment in a sustainable and coordinated way.

The aim of this policy is to reduce our ecological impact and help preserve biodiversity, while promoting adaptation to climate change, urban resilience and sustainable development. This policy is intended to be enduring and work in harmony with the City’s other planning tools. Concrete action plans aimed at meeting current and future environmental challenges will be added to the policy over time. 

A renewed commitment

This Environmental Policy and Strategy renews the City of Vaudreuil-Dorion’s very first environmental policy, adopted in 2018 for a five-year period. It is the fruit of a rigorous process that started in February 2022 when surveys were conducted among the population, and also takes into account the extensive public consultation process carried out as part of the development of the previous policy.

“The success of this policy depends on the involvement of everyone, from citizens to community organizations to businesses. Together, we have the power to bring about concrete change, by transforming our habits and making informed choices,” stated Mayor Guy Pilon.

Eight environmental themes

This policy covers eight major themes that reflect the City’s main environmental challenges:

  • Biodiversity
  • Agriculture and urban forestry
  • Land-use planning
  • Infrastructures
  • Waste management
  • Green City
  • Financial resilience
  • Public safety

Climate change is addressed as part of each theme by presenting current and future environmental issues as well as the way these issues have changed over time.

By adopting this Environmental Policy and Strategy, Vaudreuil-Dorion is reaffirming its leadership with regard to sustainable development, its role as a partner and facilitator for local stakeholders, and its commitment to future generations. The document can be viewed on the Web site.

United for climate declaration

In addition to adopting its Environmental Policy and Strategy, the City of Vaudreuil-Dorion also adhered to Union des municipalités du Québec’s Unis pour le climat declaration of commitment during the same council meeting. This declaration of commitment is a reminder of the leading role that municipalities play in the fight against climate change. It also calls on elected municipal officials to ensure that climate issues remain a permanent driving force in their decision-making.

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