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An outstanding fall program awaits at Maison Félix-Leclerc

Activities are scheduled to resume on September 13th at Maison Félix-Leclerc. Guides will be onsite to welcome visitors on Fridays, from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m., and Saturdays, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday get-togethers in the parlour will also be back every Friday at 7:30 p.m. until the end of November with performances by artists from the world of music, literature and storytelling.


On September 27th, the public will have the chance to experience the warmth, comfort and refinement of the instruments, words and vocal harmonies of folk duo Ancolie, featuring Natalie Byrns and Anik Bérubé. On October 4th, Roy Davis will capture parlour audience with a presentation of his show Désastres, a voyage that will transport you along the banks of the St. Lawrence through powerful folk rhythms. With Chacun pour soi, Mic Bourgouin, a promising singer-songwriter, will offer spectators the chance to discover the essence of his retro-pop-contemporary music on October 18th. Lastly, Dominic Dagenais will conclude the musical portion on November 1st with his show La misère des riches. This artist is sure to win over his audience thanks to his direct and heartfelt style of country-folk music reminiscent of Beau Dommage and Tire le Coyote.


Three storytellers will take turns appearing at the distinguished home on Chemin de l’Anse. On September 20th, Renée Robitaille will guide her audience through the fabulous encounters, sorrows, hopes and betrayals of her characters in Contes d’amour, histoires de diables. With Poiluse et autres contes traditionnels, Eveline Ménard will tell the story of the astonishing and the imaginary, on October 25th, where larger-than-life characters ready themselves to overcome all hardships and experience a myriad of adventures. Ariane Labonté will be in town on November 15th to present Récit conte-en-forain de l’Amer’cirque. Accompanied by spectacular "puppets" and the rich and meticulous sounds of the accordion played by Luzio Altobelli, the storyteller will present a luscious social satire about our untameable consumer habits.

Patrick Richard will deliver a touching testimony on November 29th. With La voix du père, la voie du fils, the artist tells the story of a letter from a son to his father, traces the path to redemption and plunges into the adolescent brain of a being skilled at de-dramatizing his life through cheeky humour. Presented in the form of a podcast supported by video, the performance alternates between narration, music and a slew of doctored voices.


The Cabaret littéraire, hosted by Stéphan Daigle, will once again offer three evening performances this year providing local French-speaking authors and artists with a platform to introduce the public to their creations. This season’s guests will include Lise Chartier, author and historian, and Gabriel Lalonde, poet, on September 13th, Marco Geoffroy, poet, and Michel Morissette, author and musician, on October 11th, as well as Suzanne Saint-Hilaire, multidisciplinary artist, and Danielle Shelton, author, on November 8th. Nane Couzier will be present as a reader for all three performances.

On September 28th, at 2 p.m., Les Amis de Félix à Vaudreuil will host a literary salon, a friendly gathering place where visitors can read excerpts from works related to Félix or texts inspired by his work or his life. Under the framework of a literary café, participants will be invited to read the texts they have brought, and then discuss the subject. Visitors may also attend without having prepared a reading. A surprise guest will be featured in this edition!

All activities presented at Maison Félix-Leclerc are free and do not required registration. Visitors can purchase snacks and beverages for a nominal fee. The detailed program is available at jesuismozaik.com.