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Ragweed control

The City of Vaudreuil-Dorion is continuing its efforts to suppress ragweed (Ambrosia) on its territory. Starting on Monday July 29, Groupe Arbo-Ressources inc. will apply an ecological selective herbicide in targeted areas for approximately three weeks, including weekends if necessary. The operation will be done when weather conditions are favourable.

The product used, Ragweed off, is totally natural and is an approved saline lotion developed by a team of experts. It tackles ragweed growth zones without causing damage to other plants. Its application will significantly reduce the presence of ragweed, mainly in high-risk areas, such as along roads and bike paths, as well as parks and potentially infested vacant lots. Vaudreuil-Dorion has been fighting ragweed for many years now

This year, the City also joined the 18th provincial ragweed pulling campaign organized by the Quebec Lung Association, which invites cities and municipalities to join forces in the fight against ragweed and reduce the presence of pollen on their territory. Every summer, ragweed impacts the activities of one in eight Quebecers. Allergy sufferers experience varying degrees of repetitive sneezing, congestion, runny nose, itching and headache. The best way to combat this affliction is to pull up the plant before it blooms, since each one can produce 3,000 seeds that can survive up to 40 years. It’s therefore most important to inspect your yard and home surroundings for ragweed. At stake is the health of many residents!

For more information, visit the herbapoux.ca website.