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Garage sales: authorized in May

Garage sales are authorized two months per year—May and September. To ensure these events are carried out safely and smoothly, items cannot be placed on roads or sidewalks. Also, garage sale set-ups must not obscure the visibility of drivers and pedestrians.

Where signage is concerned, By-law No. 1563 stipulates that a 0.6 m2 sign is authorized on the property where the garage sale is held as well as on a second property. The sign cannot be more than 1.5 metres off the ground and cannot be installed on a traffic sign, hydro pole or other municipal equipment (the sign must have its own post or support mechanism). It can be displayed up to 24 hours before the garage sale and must be removed in the 12 hours following the end of the garage sale.

Consult the By-Laws section of the website for more details.